Make $$ on the Internet

Here's the scoop: There are quite a few companies out there that have taken a new approach to advertising. Instead of being forced to watch ads in between segments of a tv show, these services actually pay you to view ads.

AllAdvantage - They put an adbar at the bottom of your screen, and as long as it's open, you make money!

GoToWorld - Similar to All Advantage. The ad is much smaller, but they pay less. The problem is that they require you to use a special (annoying) browser.

ValuePay - Another site that pays you for time spent on the internet. This one lets you cash out each month, even if you haven't earned $20 yet.

ePipo - This one seems kind of... Interesting. They're not as corporate and dull as the others are. They let you specify how much money you need to earn before you can cash out.

DesktopDollars - I'm not quite as fond of this one, as the software seems a little more basic. On the other hand, they DO have their software available for download, as opposed to ValuePay and ePipo...

< a href="">GetPaid4- This one's still in beta testing. They're promising up to $1.00 an hour. Definitely worth checking out, at the least. Use my referal ID, streon.

Money for Mail - This is a service that pays you to view advertisements in your e-mail. The way I see it, if you're gonna get spammed anyway, you might as well make some money out of the deal!

Total E-Mail - This is another service like money for mail. Total E-mail isn't quite ready to start yet, and it doesn't look as organized.

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