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Why Lunatics, Inc?

The internet has a wealth of products and information available. Although this can be a very good thing, it can be a bit of a problem. How do I find the program that I want? How do I know which e-mail client to use? These are questions that many of us ask ourselves while searching for things on the internet. Hence, this page: dedicated to helping others find the products and services that they need.

About Me:

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is David (that's all you get!), and I'm a Senior in High School. I'm very much looking forward to going to college next year at the U of Michigan! I'm very into computers, and my current project is working on my A+ certification. So with any luck, I should be using it this summer at my summer job! I love gaming online, so you might want to look for me playing Quake (I, II, or III), Jedi Knight, StarCraft, Diablo, etc. I might also be going under the name Ice Quake. If you ever run into me, please say hi! I'd love to know what you think of the new and improved Lunatics, Inc v 3.0!