
Take Advantage

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Lunatics, Inc. Take Advantage of the 'Net!

It is now 09:09 pm Eastern Time, on March the 27th, 2025.

If you're one of the 14082 people who have been here before, welcome back! If not, welcome for the first time! Either way, I hope like the new site. I'm in the progress of revamping my page; getting rid of that annoying background, fixing links, and adding new content. So please explore the site, and let me know what you think.

New! I'm adding some sort of "Featured Pages" section to Lunatics, Inc. This will be a place where some of my favorite pages are. Not neccesarily places where you get free stuff, but funny or entertaining pages as well. The first of these sites is... (drumroll please!) Lazy Shirts.com! I actually ran into a couple of the owners this past weekend, and I think their page is hilarious! So, if you want to be a Featured Page, send me an e-mail at Streon@bigfoot.com and I just might put a link to your page here for all to see. I'll also put the previous pages up in a new section, to the left.

To the left, you will find the links to navigate around my site. Click on "Take Advantage" to find the information about getting paid to surf the net, finding free software, and more! I garauntee that every single site is legitamite. I personally try every service before it gets posted here, so you can be sure they work. If you like my page, I'd appreciate it if you'd sign the guestbook. I promise, it won't hurt. If you're curious as to what sort of madman would call his site Lunatics, Incorporated, you can find out at "About Me."

Site History:

5.1.2000 - Ok, I'm lazy, so sue me! }:-P I'm just kidding; more changes really ARE coming. Check out my new featured pages section above. And send me a page that you'd like to see featured at Lunatics, Inc.
3.28.2000 - Welcome back to me! I'm gonna be making a lot of changes in the days to come, so stay with me! I'll soon be posting new products and services for your perusal, like a chance to be a V-Store affiliate!
12.17.99 - As you can probably tell, I've made other changes since the twentieth, but updating this list wasn't one of them. I've added yet another paidsurf program to the list. And I've gotten a check from AllAdvantage!
11.20.99 -This has been a long time coming, but I'm making changes. I downloaded some software that ought to help me make some new images, etc. Check back often!
10.9.99 - I finish sorting the links by category. Thatwas a lot of work!
10.8.99 - I begin sorting my links by category. Couple of other little details as well.
10.6.99 - I add 2 new categories: Internet Guides (pages like mine), and Webmaster Services.
10.5.99 - I fix a couple of other bugs I've found. Let me know if you find any.
10.4.99 - I play with the way I display freeserver's ads, and remove the framed ad.
10.1.99 - I add a couple more pay as you surf sites to the list.
9.29.99 - I join the two webrings you see below.
9.13.99 - Major changes to site commence: background changed, old logo added, etc.
9.10.99 - Site format changed to "Taking advantage."

Questions, comments, or death-threats? (I hope not!) Send them to webmaster@lunaticsinc.itgo.com

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